After a terrific Section program at the AALS Annual Meeting in cloudy (☹) San Diego earlier this month, your new Section co-Chairs are reinvigorated and ready to dive into our Section work for the coming year. Below you will find some highlights of our Section’s Annual Meeting program and awards ceremony, as well as some important Section events and programs coming up in February that we hope you’ll plan to attend.
We are excited to start a new year and hope to inspire you, our Section members, to stay engaged with the Section and help us build and energize this wonderful community of law school pro bono professionals committed to instilling a pro bono ethic in our law students and increasing access to justice in whatever ways we can. Though our positions may sometimes be undervalued by our institutions, the work we do could not be more important. As our wonderful 2022 Section Chair, Angela Schultz said in her final 2022 Section newsletter:
“Pro bono legal service is a key part of health, safety, and security for our communities. Evictions are avoided. Consumer debt is mitigated. Domestic violence may be prevented. Child support is paid. People find answers and sometimes find closure through pro bono service.”
And, speaking of Angela, we want to thank her for a terrific year of Section leadership. Angela has been a tireless and inspiring leader who, among other accomplishments, established the AALS Pro Bono Honor Roll during her tenure and planned an excellent Annual Meeting program. She did it all with her wonderful sense of humor. Thank you so much, Angela!!!
And thank you to all of you for being a part of this Section. Please join us at our first meeting on February 23rd at 1pm ET.
Darcy Meals
Co-Chair, Section on Pro Bono & Access to Justice
Director of Public Interest Programs
Deputy Director of the Center for Access to Justice
Georgia State University
College of Law
Eliza Vorenberg
Co-Chair, Section on Pro Bono & Access to Justice
Clinical Professor of Law
Director of Pro Bono &
Community Partnerships
Roger Williams University
School of Law