On Monday, December 5 from 12:00-1:00 EST, the AALS Section on Pro Bono and Access to Justice will host Roger Williams University School of Law Professor Monica Teixeira de Sousa. Monica’s topic will be “The Law Professor and the Therapist: Beyond Belonging There’s a Place (and Need) for Group Solidarity among First Generation and Low-Income Students in the Law School Setting.”
Topic: “The Law Professor and the Therapist: Beyond Belonging There’s a Place (and Need) for Group Solidarity among First Generation and Low-Income Students in the Law School Setting” hosted by AALS Section on Pro Bono & Access to Justice.
Time: December 5, 2022, 12:00 PM Eastern Time
Join Zoom Meeting: https://rwu.zoom.us/j/94443107446
Meeting ID: 944 4310 7446