Upcoming Education Enrichment
Join us to hear from Leah Goodridge, author of Professionalism as a Racial Construct, on October 26, 2023 at 1pm ET. Zoom link to join: https://rwu.zoom.us/j/94086528138
Upcoming Community Conversations
In our next Community Conversation on November 16 at 1 pm ET, we hope to focus on how you see your Pro Bono Programs as a vehicle for addressing revised ABA standards 303(b) and (c) and the formation of professional identity. If you have other topics you’d like to raise for a Community Conversation, please let us know! Zoom link to join: https://rwu.zoom.us/j/95644060720
Annual AALS Conference
Conference Session: We hope to see many of you in attendance at our AALS conference session in Washington, DC, scheduled for Friday, January 5 from 2-3:40 pm, entitled Gideon – 60 Years Later, Still Seeking Access to Criminal and Civil Justice. Sixty years after the landmark Supreme Court case Gideon v. Wainright affirmed a right to counsel in certain criminal cases, questions remain about the vitality of that right in practice in the criminal legal system. At the same time, there is a growing movement for a civil right to counsel, particularly in areas involving vital human needs, such as shelter and child custody. In this session, hosted by the Section on Pro Bono and Access to Justice, panelists will explore the state of the right to counsel in criminal cases, whether and how that right ought to be extended to certain civil contexts, and what role right to counsel plays or ought to play in the broader access to justice movement. Co-sponsored by the Sections on Poverty Law, Clinical Law, and Criminal Law.
Section Awards and Service Project: Please also consider joining us for our section awards ceremony Thursday, January 4 at noon, and for our service project Saturday, January 6 from 8am-11:40am, cosponsored by the Poverty Law section. Watch for more details when conference registration opens.