Be Good. Be Kind. Be Gentle.
Make the World a Better Place.
This is a phrase I used to say to my kids when I dropped them off at school, and yes, it lasted through their high school years, and yes, I was the embarrassing mom. They are now 20 and 21 and making their way through their remote college years and figuring out who they are, and as they are both relatively healthy and interested in learning, I feel quite lucky. I share that to emphasize the theme from the AALS Annual Virtual Conference some of us attended – The Power of Words. While I thought I was just throwing out a corny phrase, I am struck that my daughter used it in her college application essay and my son just made me greeting cards with this saying on them (he is a Graphic Designer, if anyone has a lead on a job after he graduates, he and I would be eternally grateful!). Our words matter, our intentions matter, our impact matters.
As we begin 2021, and can you believe we are just beginning 2021? It feels like it has been going on for about a year already…this is a moment, a semester, a year and a time when we need to take care of ourselves, our families, our communities, and our world, perhaps more than ever. This year, we will be working to expand the work of our Section and we hope you will join is if you are able and want to connect.
The Section will be setting some ambitious goals through the work of the following Committees:
• Annual Program/Service Project
• Awards
• Collaboration
• Educational Enrichment
• Membership
• Newsletter/Communications
• Nominating Committee
If any of those sound interesting, please reach out and we will put you in touch with the Committee leaders. They welcome your help as we aim to grow some new leaders and emphasize the importance of our work – supporting and strengthening our pro bono and public service programs at our law schools. By learning and sharing what we are doing at our schools, we can collaborate to meet more unmet legal needs and advocate for more resources to bolster our students interested in pro bono and public service.
I am grateful to get to work with a great team on our Section Leadership. Please join me in welcoming/welcoming back:
The 2021 Section Officers are:
• Chair, Sue Schechter, UC Berkeley School of Law
• Chair-Elect, Kiva Zytnick, The Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law
• Secretary, Tonya Jupiter, Tulane Law School
• Treasurer, Bridget Fuselier, Baylor University School of Law
• Newsletter Editor, Stephen Rispoli, Baylor University School of Law
• Past-Chair, Sande Buhai, Loyola Law School, Los Angeles
The incoming and continuing to serve Executive Board members in 2021 (listed alphabetically):
• Tara Casey, University of Richmond School of Law
• Katelyn Cherney, Creighton University School of Law
• Anna Davis, UC Irvine School of Law
• Glory McLaughlin, University of Alabama School of Law
• Darcy McLean Meals, Georgia State University School of Law
• Nadine Mompremier, Columbia Law School
• Kelli Neptune, Howard University School of Law
• Pam Robinson, University of South Carolina School of Law
• Meredith Schnug, University of Kansas School of Law
• Angela Schultz, Marquette Law School
• Shawna Smith-Thornton, Texas A & M Law School
• Jennifer Tschirch, Georgetown University School of Law
• Eliza Vorenberg, Roger Williams University School of Law
• Lauren Worsek, Depaul Law School
And finally, a big thank you to Sande Buhai, Loyola Law School (LA), for her 2020 Chairperson-ship. Janet Heppard retired from the University of Houston Law Center to become judge of the 387th State District Court in Fort Bend County, Texas, a family court. Go Janet! Thank you and congratulations.
Imperfectly and gratefully yours,
– Sue Schechter